This blog is for friends and family to see and hear what is happening in the lives of our new family. Isla and Fiona joined our family on March 14, 2008. Isla weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz and Fiona was 5 lbs 6 oz. Feel free to post comments on this site, and to share it with any other twin moms that you know.

Friday, August 29, 2008

24 weeks old today!

The girls are 24 weeks. However, that doesn't translate to 6 months, it's actually 5 and 1/2. They are so big. At our last appointment, Isla weighed 15 pounds and Fiona weighed 12! They are starting to really notice each other. They smile at each other and when they are nursing they play with each others hands and faces. Yes, it is making it difficult to nurse! Fiona is starting to take the bottle better thanks to the Adiri nurser (aka the boob bottle). Nighttime is still pretty much a mess- Fiona wakes up way too much. She is rolling onto her stomach and then freaking out! We also finally broke down and bought another crib. Thank God for Craigslist! The guy even delivered and put it together for me! We got a babysitter for tonight (our 75 year old neighbor). They will hopefully just sleep the whole time. I'm just hoping Fiona doesn't wake up before 10. I guess we have to stay close enough to rush back home if she does. We are going to go to dinner at a great high end Mexican restaurant, Centro. Here are some recent pictures and a video.


Unknown said...

Look at those bellies! They are so sweet, I know I keep saying it but I can't wait to see them...