This blog is for friends and family to see and hear what is happening in the lives of our new family. Isla and Fiona joined our family on March 14, 2008. Isla weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz and Fiona was 5 lbs 6 oz. Feel free to post comments on this site, and to share it with any other twin moms that you know.

Monday, September 22, 2008

6 month stats

We had our 6 month doctor's appointment today. All is well.

17 lb 12.9 oz (80th percentile)
28 1/4 in (99th percentile)
14 lb 7.8 oz (17th percentile)
27 in (87th percentile)

They are both able to sit up for about 15 seconds without wobbling. They usually put an arm out to stop them from falling after that. Isla is sleeping through the night (10 hours!). Fiona, on the other hand, is having some serious sleep issues. She wakes up every 1 to 2 hours!!! The doctor told me to try feeding her cereal right befere bed, so we tried that tonight. I couldn't get her to go down in the crib so she is in the swing and has been asleep for almost an hour. If I can make it through the rest of "Dancing with the Stars" without being interrupted, I will be happy. Especially since they have great stars on this year!

Fiona is saying "dada", which of course Euan is taking to mean that she has chosen her favorite. I tried to tell him that they usually can say their d's first, to which he said, "I knew you'd say that." Oh well, I guess since he's her favorite, he will be happy to get up with her every hour tomorrow night.

No signs of crawling yet. Robyn's baby, Mary, who is a week older than the girls, is crawling all over the place and then stopping to sit herself up! I don't think we will be there any time soon. That is ok with me though since it means we can hold off on babyproofing for a few more weeks.

Thank you to all of those who signed up as "followers". I'm working on a secret handshake. I'll let you know. Also, I love reading your comments!!


Robyn said...

Thanks for the shout out!! Isla has Mary beat. I hope they don't meet in a dark alley somewhere. Love the pics!!

Tricia said...

yep, Isla is a big girl. Euan called her the chubby hippy in that outfit. Good thing I think chubby hippies are cute!