This blog is for friends and family to see and hear what is happening in the lives of our new family. Isla and Fiona joined our family on March 14, 2008. Isla weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz and Fiona was 5 lbs 6 oz. Feel free to post comments on this site, and to share it with any other twin moms that you know.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Ok I admit I got a bit carried away with buying cloth diapers. There are worse things to be addicted to however, and when they are so cute, it is difficult not to want to try them all! I got interested in cloth diapering when my neighbor, Sarah, told me about Fuzzi Bunz. She was using them for her daughter and she loved them. She said they were so easy and washing them wasn't too big of a hassle. There was no rinsing of poo involved and it was so much cheaper then disposables. Plus they were super cute. of course, I started doing my research and found that this cloth diapering was big business. First of all, there were so many different kinds and they weren't cheap! In fact, some sell for $33 each! Of course, I turned to the same place I always turn when I want to buy something that is expensive.... Craigslist. This might seem gross- used diapers, but all you have to do is wash them and they are as good as new. I'm not talking about the kind Grandma used. No, the new generation of cloth diapers are easy to use and very fun. My favorites right now are Kissaluvs. They are a fluffy fitted diaper that you put a cover over. You don't have to wash the cover every time, just when it starts to smell or gets soiled. You can get cute covers as well. I love the wool covers, and actually knitted one myself! The Fuzzi Bunz leaked at first because of the girls' skinny legs, but as they get chubbier, they fit better and better. For nighttime, we use Bumgenius. They have gone 12 hours with no leaks! Fuzzi Bunz and Bumgenius are pocket diapers. Which means that you can stuff as many absorbant pads as needed inside the pocket of the diaper. They make all in ones as well that I have yet to try. I do have to do an extra load of laundry a day, but I don't mind. I always hang them out to dry too, but you don't have to, the dryer works just fine. You do have to buy special detergent which is a bit of a pain. Otherwise any soap residue that is left behind will react with the pee and smell really bad or cause the diaper to wick and then leak. However, once you have the detergent, it's a breeze.

We have quite a large diaper stash. Besides the Kissaluvs, Fuzzi Bunz and Bumgenius', we also rotate in some Little Beetles, which are fitted diapers that are made from beautiful organic velour and seem almost too soft and pretty to use. We have Haute Pockets, which we've had a few leaks with, and Blueberrys, which are great but pricey. You've got to love all the great names.

There are so many benefits to cloth diapering. Of course, it is better for the environment. I know some people say it isn't because it wastes water but that sounds an awful lot like an argument for using paper plates rather than real ones, and none of us would do that. Another benefit of cloth is less diaper rash. My girls haven't had a rash yet. Also, they say that potty training comes earlier because the babies can actually feel when they are wet. A huge benefit is the money saved. Although diapers are expensive to buy in the beginning, if you get them used, you can save a lot and then sell them again when your child grows out of them, or reuse them on your future children. I'd say that the number one benefit for me is that I actually enjoy changing diapers. And you may not believe it, but Euan does too.

For more information about cloth diapering go to