This blog is for friends and family to see and hear what is happening in the lives of our new family. Isla and Fiona joined our family on March 14, 2008. Isla weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz and Fiona was 5 lbs 6 oz. Feel free to post comments on this site, and to share it with any other twin moms that you know.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

3 months 3 weeks and a day

Wow, I can't believe how quickly the past almost 4 months have flown. Time seemed to stand still for the last few months of my pregnancy and now it is just whizzing by. I've just been cleaning out thier drawers and tossing all of the clothes that they have grown out of. I brought the 3-6 month box in from the garage and those clothes don't seem so huge anymore. Euan and I are really loving this stage. The girls can finally interact with us and are so much fun. They smile whenever they see you and it doesn't take much to make them giggle. They can grab things with thier hands and pull them up to thier mouth. They can roll over from their belly to their backs sometimes and they do a lot of leg lifts. We seem to have our schedule down and it has made life really great and so much easier. However, they have seemed to regress in the night sleeping department and are waking up more than ever. In fact they woke up 3 times last night! 1st at 11:45, then at 4:30 and then 6:20. The last one probably doesn't count as waking up at night but it sure felt like night to me! Hopefully that phase will pass quickly.

We are getting ready for our big trip to Scotland. Deciding what to pack has been a bit of a challenge since we aren't sure what the weather will be like. Apparently it has been pretty cold lately. It may be a shock for them coming from Sacramento. We are a bit nervous about the flight but luckily we will have bassinets. The problem is that in order to get a bassinet, you have to have an isle seat. Therefore, Euan and I both have isle seats with 3 people between us. They have no idea what they are in for.

I start school again as soon as we return from Scotland on August 4. It is going to be a bit crazy, but I'm sure we will manage. The problem we foresee right now is that we haven't given the girls bottles in ages. Euan will have to give them each a bottle while I'm at work, so we need to get them used to it again. I actually ordered a bottle online today called the Adiri Nurser. It is shaped like a breast and apparently feels like one as well. Hopefully it works and it won't be too embarrassing to use in public.

Just to make things interesting we've decided to put our house on the market while we are in Scotland. That way our realtor can show it while we are away and we won't have to worry about keeping it clean and showing it around the babies' schedule. We are hoping to get what we paid for it and then rent for a while to save some money. It would be so nice not to have to pay our huge mortgage. We could maybe even find a rental with a bit of space!


Diana said...

Thanks for blogging. We love it!
The girls are growing quick and we feel we get a bit of them via the net. Have a great trip and hope to see you in the Fall.