This blog is for friends and family to see and hear what is happening in the lives of our new family. Isla and Fiona joined our family on March 14, 2008. Isla weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz and Fiona was 5 lbs 6 oz. Feel free to post comments on this site, and to share it with any other twin moms that you know.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I Got a BOB!

After doing all of my double stroller research -ok those of you that have asked if I'm beginning to get bored not working, there's your answer- I came to the quick conclusion that the only strollers worth having are the coveted Mountian Buggy Urban Double (MBUD by those in the loop) or the ever popular Bob. Since I'm cheap and love a deal, there is no way I was going to fork out the $500 for a new one of these, so that left me one option...Craigslist. Two weeks of checking daily and I was rewarded with my prize. A Bob Duallie for ....guess how much....lower...lower....yep $50! OK it does have a bit of wear but it is so light and works perfectly. However, I started to go out at 7:00 to take the girls for a run and the sun was directly in their faces. I had to order the sunshield for $60 and then the cupholder for $20 so it isn't really a $50 stroller any more but I'm happy! It couldn't have come at a better time as Douglas's wedding is two months away and trying on dresses motivated me to RUN!